About Us

Congratulations on your Pregnancy!

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What an exciting new chapter in your lives…

Like many of you, my journey into parenthood came with a number of questions and decisions to make about the new life that I was carrying. One of the choices my husband and I made came from the recommendation of our Chiropractor: Bradley Method Prenatal Classes. We are so grateful for the classes, because they gave us the knowledge and confidence to have three wonderful homebirths. The births of our 3 children were the most amazing and memorable things we had ever experienced. I say “we” because it was a team effort. Chris was by my side the entire time, offering support and encouragement and using the techniques we had learned.  

I have always been fond of children from a very young age and wanted to be a mother. My mom use to comment when she couldn’t find me at social gatherings that you just had to look for the baby or young children and that’s where I was… haha.  Almost all of my jobs have been with children; gymnastic coach, recreational director, respite care and educational assistant. So, it was very natural to transition to teaching prenatal classes after we had our first. Over the last 15 years I have been fortunate to assist hundreds of couples prepare to welcome their little one’s into the world. It has also been a privilege to be support as a Doula for many too.  

As an educational assistant I worked with many kids that had limited speech and used sign language to communicate, so my knowledge and interest grew from there. Our understanding of language especially as infants/toddlers is quite advanced but we can’t always verbalize what our thoughts are.  We introduced a few baby signs to our children around 6 months old and they were able to sign back a couple months later. Their sign vocabulary just continued to grow and were able to express what they wanted much earlier, before a year old, then they could vocalize them. By introducing sign language we avoided a lot of frustrations and tantrums that come from not always understanding what your little ones need.  We still will use some of these signs from across the park or in noisy rooms!  

Being an educator is something I am passionate about that does not feel like work just more of an honour to be part of your journey into parenthood and beyond. My goal is to encourage, empower and enlighten not only the mother but also their partner; so both feel confident with the knowledge and strategies to enter into parenthood.

Interested in registering for a class? Check out what is available!