


How is this method different from other methods offered?

Our classes stress the importance of Healthy Baby, Healthy Mother and Healthy Families. The techniques are simple, effective and derived from The Bradley Method. They are evidence-based and experienced-based on how the human body works during labor. Couples are taught how they can work with their bodies to reduce pain and make their labours more efficient. Relaxation is the key to the Babies Best Start during labour. It is the safest and most effective way to reduce unnecessary pain and to handle any pain that you do experience. While other methods seek to control the sensations of labour (emphasizing distraction as their primary labour control technique), we encourage mothers to trust their bodies.

When should I start classes?

For most couples, the fifth or sixth month is the suggested time to begin a series as they start training for labour and for their upcoming role as parents. The earlier you start, the better prepared you'll be physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Breastfeeding class is suggested to attend prior to birth to set you up for success.

Sign Language class is best done when baby is 6-7 months old but can be useful at any age!

Why are classes 8 weeks long?

A Babies Best Start class series is 8 weeks and is designed to give both mother and partner adequate preparation time for the birth of their child. Labour can be a strenuous physical activity, but couples can prepare both physically and mentally. With the help of their instructor, the birth experience can be a more beautiful and joyous event. This is also an important time to connect and focus your full attention on the little one soon to be born.

What is the difference between the full series and the condensed class?

As there is more time allotted during the 8 weeks there will be more discussion, videos, review, and a full labour rehearsal. The condensed class will cover 80% of the full series content. Couples attending the condensed class will be encouraged to read, discuss, and practice the techniques learned, at home following the classes. Condensed classes does not cover Complications, Interventions and Medications.